01275 545 574 jerry@bristolboats.co.uk

Our services

We are a passionate team of Marine Professionals, with over thirty years collectively of experience in boat sales and service.

The Boat Farm Services

Our aim is to offer a friendly, helpful service, at a competitive cost, we take great pride in all the different aspects of our business and push for excellence and customer satisfaction. We take on the small jobs and the big ones, please let us give you a no obligation quote.

Please call 07488 593 249 to discuss further or email jerry@bristolboats.co.uk

Looking to sell your boat?

Why not sell your boat the easy way, let us sell it for you.

We have got sales professionals available 365 days a year to show potential customers your boat and market it with the right details, pictures and specifications.

Contact The Boat Farm

01275 545 574 / 07488 593 249 / jerry@bristolboats.co.uk